I have chosen yarn (out of the stash) and patterns (off the internet) for a couple of other projects as well. Staying busy, keeping the boredom at bay, working on Christmas (can it be?), and waiting for the inspiration for that next big project to knock me for a loop!
And just in case...I received bigger faster more better memory for my computer yesterday. Last night I backed up. Tonight I install. If you don't hear from me again...well, you'll know why!
My, my! Joe Pye!
Just your common Tiger Lilies.
Nasturtiums I grew from seeds. Yes I did!
A view of the stone bench from the chamomile's perspective.
The flower in the banner is giant blue lobelia.
Ravelympic update:
Sleeves are done!
Waist is done!
Sleeves are attached to dress!
Knitting on bodice has begun with raglan decreases (which are just like toe decreases for socks)!
(She might be knitting faster than the Phelps swims!)
Eldest Daughter and me, just a few days old
Back to Eldest Daughter. It is a special day for her, and it was a special day for me when she came into my life…3 decades ago. I think back to how my mothering instincts kicked in immediately the moment she arrived. Like a switch…one moment there’s me, all laid back about stuff, taking it as it comes (except for that labor part)…the next minute I might have killed another human being that threatened that little baby girl.
Eldest Daughter has grown up to be a person I would enjoy being around, be friends with, even if I wasn’t her mother. She and I share the same vocation, in the same industry, which is very interesting. We really understand each other’s work.
Eldest Daughter and me, 2 weeks old
We also share interests in some of the same hobbies, like knitting and scrap booking/card making. Don’t tell, but I let her use my Ravelry logon to look around. She says it is like ‘peaking in the closet at Christmas time’ (the closet being where I hid the presents when the girls were little)! And now she and her SO have bought a place with a couple of gardening plots. She is excited to get some iris planted this fall.
And funny! She cracks me up all the time. But sometimes she bosses me around. Impertinent young miss! So now I guess she is getting to be an impertinent older person?
If only Eldest Daughter didn’t live so far away, way back on the east coast. I have had the opportunity to visit a few times since she has been there, and she makes it back here, when she can. I am so fortunate we have that sort of relationship where we really enjoy being with each other, doing things together, sharing conversations on a deep level.
I feel a lot of guilt for not having done parenting as well as I might have. A lot. But I look at my relationships with my kids, and realize that maybe, just maybe, I didn’t do it all wrong.
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