January 29, 2009
Oops, I Did It Again
It is cold. I am cold.
I am ready for January to be over, and grateful that there are only a few...two...days left.
February might be as cold...but it's not as long. Somehow that makes a difference. To me.
January use to sail by when Dearest Sister and I were planning the Family Ski Vacation Reunion Extravaganza Hootenanny. Gala Festivity.
& Picnic/BBQ/Turkey Fry.
(That little muffin in the pink goggles, purple mittens, and teal coat? That's Bebe-Momma to Grandbebe Girl, and Momma2B of Grandbebe Two. Un.Bee.Lee-vuh-ble. College Dude there? All upright wage earning daddy of three boisterous buckeroo boys (one set of twins)...all whose first word was 'ball'. Purple coat on the left? Makin' more than her momma!)
See. It took a long while to plan. It was BIG.
OK. It was just a Ski Vacation/Family Reunion for those who wanted to come. It ran about three or four years.
And it was great. It was when I learned to ski, and when my girls learned, too. It was some good times with family after the loss of Deeply Missed Sister. There are some good memories. Dearest Sister and I often had one last run of the day to ourselves, when we could pretend it was our mountain. Our evenings were full of camaraderie as only our family can define it. It is a wild and wooly thing, that camaraderie, and not for the easily shaken! It can leave the uninitiated wild-eyed.
But I digress. January would be full of plans and doing. February would be here and off we would go around the second week. When we got back to work after our vay-cay, Feb was almost over, March nearly ushered in, and that meant Spring! around the corner! in those midwest climes.
Alas. All I have today is almost the end of a very cold month.
On the upside...50 degree forecast for the weekend for my trip to Shuttles, Spindles, and Skeins.
Oy! A couple of ski bunnies....A story behind this shot, there is, I tell you!
January 28, 2009
Random Firings
Phoebe appreciates all the well wishes. In her kittie way of appreciating that sort of thing, that is. Which is all 'whateva'. Day 5 of the pink stuff down...halfway home!
I am closing in on the finish line of my first entrelac project, and my first de-stashing effort of the new year. I may have it knitted up before the end of the month, which is very exciting from that 'getting things accomplished POV' that seems to make me go . There will be loose ends, many of them, in fact, to weave in, and blocking to do. It has been an interesting learning experience, and I feel like I understand the entrelac concept. It is not a perfect rendition, but very passable for my purposes, which is to provide a warm shawl for me to wear around the house, and to use up some good stash yarn I got on sale. Check, check, double and triple check. Feeling good about all of the above because it all works together. Photo to follow...when I get my act together in that regard.
Speaking of blocking...it will be a new experience. Wonderful Guy and I invested in a steamer recently. His idea is to avoid ironing. At all costs. My idea was, of course, to help with after-knitting blocking efforts. And steaming hard to iron things, like swags and dust ruffles. I am not so down on ironing real life things that look so neat when pressed. I just love a freshly pressed cotton blouse. (Especially when someone else does it.) And of course, when sewing, there is no help for pressing seams. At least in my experience. Yet.
I had a dental check-up with no issues. Yes, it is worth mentioning.
A call from Maggie at Shuttles in Boulder told me that the much-anticipated and long-looked for bobbins for Betsy, my Spinning Lendrum have arrived. I will travel south on Saturday to pick up some extra, and take my book for Maggie to sign. I am excited! Also, the extra bobbins will help in the de-stashing resolve. I think.
I say 'I think' because I really must get cracking on the quilt for Grandbebe Two. I must. We have just recently been informed that there will also be a Grandbebe Trois. I am already behind! Dearest Sister and I have been frantically perusing her stash, trying to decide on appropriate color combinations, and suitable motifs. Well, her mostly. I am still stuck on the cutting and piecing...well, cutting...of the first quilt! Woe is me. Here I am trying hard to use stuff up, and there she is shipping her stuff to my place...how is this fair?
January 25, 2009
Phoebe Is So Over It...
Nope. Might be trickery to corral her for another round of the pink stuff. And she is too smart for that.
I have two advantages so far.
Phoebe gets hungry and loves her food. Her food dish is in the laundry room and that is a small, confined space. Once she runs there to show me what I should be doing...bam! I have her.
Advantage two is that she is missing teeth, and the syringe goes easily between when little kittie jaws are clenched.
Ymmy pink medicine is already working it's majick tricks. She is feeling full of pep and all smarty pants, hiding under the spare bed....right in the very center where it is absolutely impossible to reach her.
Yep. Things are just cruisin' here.
January 24, 2009
Plans Gone Bad
So in a few, we will load up the Phoebe-meister in the car carrier, the Grandbebe Girl in the car seat, and head south a few miles.
Most likely we will then head back north a several dollars poorer, and I will have been given the task of giving the kittie girl antibiotics three times daily for ten days. She is a smart kittie girl, and it will only take about 2 doses for her to remember the last time.
It is good that I have Grandbebe Girl to distract me. So far she has played the piano for us, brought me her diapers to change when appropriate, made Grandpa Wonderful Guy fix her breakfast, and held the Fisher-Price phone for Best Dog Ever to talk on.
In other news, the Bloggery Contest prizes are all wrapped up, addressed, and ready to be posted. I will do so this afternoon!
January 23, 2009
Such A Week It Has Been
Stay tuned for gratuitous Grandbebe photos next week for sure!
I have been busy busy busy since Monday night, just zooming with errands and meetings and appointments. Nothing to really show for it all either. Well, that's not entirely true, but not what I can share in this forum.
So ready for the weekend and some downtime. Of course, the temp has dropped 40 degrees from record setting highs during the week, just in time for the days off!
And that's all I really have for tonight. Just needing to let the winners know I am a day late and a dollar short, but not totally without redemption!
Time for a change of clothes, to something woolly and warm, and something hot for dinner.
January 22, 2009
B is for...
I forget how much I enjoy the music of the Beatles. When I am picking out artists to listen to, others come to mind so much more readily.
I love the Boss. The Indigo Girls are...so..liberated. I love me some Eagles. Bono and U2 make me rattle and hum.
I listen to classic stuff, and recently released, too. I really like a mix, and somehow the Beatles just sort of get lost in the shuffle.
When I am on the road, driving down the highway, I hardly ever think, ‘you know, I am just in the mood for some Ob-La-Di, or some Across the Universe, or some Back In The USSR.’ But actually, all would be good driving songs…
Anyway, remember the Great Computer Demise of 2009? And before that, the Goals and Aspirations (pt deux) of 2009?? One of my goals was to work with the music on my computer, including (but not limited to) organization of the existing music…and ripping all other CD’s to the computer. I had just about finished the organization (in iTunes) before the Demise. Since I didn’t reload iTunes on the new laptop, the organization had to be redone, but really, I had such a head start. Task, the Second was getting all other CD’s onto the computer.
Which brings us to today’s ABC-Along entry.
And if anyone is curious, my favorite all time album? The White Album. I had the vinyl for the longest time, lost it, re-purchased it, then gifted it to Precious Niece, complete with all the original inserts. She appreciates such things, don't you know.
January 19, 2009
Winding Things Up
Started with taking in Trekkie for the old once over on Friday. (if you want to read the story of my biking, it's here.) One of the local purveyors of fine bikery is having an off-season deal on tune-ups of which we are taking advantage.
We have had very warm temps this weekend, but breezy. Nice and sunny, but not so fun for really getting out in it. An attempt was made at motorcycling, but really it was too breezy. It was fun for as long as it lasted. The sun has been nice, and the warmth has helped me look at the rest of January and buck up a bit. I feel like maybe I will make it.
And I got back on the recumbent stationary bike this morning for a mild exercise session. Yeeessssss! Now that felt really good after my recuperative time.
I worked some on the quilt fabric, and changed to a new color on the Moderne Log Cabin Blanket. Now this MLCB, it's all garter stitch, right? I mean, there is picking up stitches, and changing color, that sort of change up, but other than that, all garter. Miles of it. Hard to mess that up, one would think. Well, last night I had to frog 3 rows. When I looked down...stockinette. How does that happen, I ask you. My only thoughts on a possible scenario has something to do with watching Ocean's Eleven. There is much to watch there...verra verra ooh lala! Avec Mssrs. George et Brad et Matt aussi! C'est dommage pour le tricotage. I'm just saying...
Anyway. What else?
There was a meet-up with a childhood friend of Wonderful Guy's which was much fun. These two go back to grade school. His wife is a very talented person with textiles, quilting, dyeing, and much creativity of which I am very jealous. Two Berninas. Two. And a whole finished room in their basement, with attached washroom for the dyeing part. Her husband must love her very much!
There was also much discussion about the employment situation, possibilities, and different ways to approach the whole thing. I think it comes down again to trying to look for the opportunities, and trying to believe those will come. I don't have to have it all figured out this weekend, or this week, or maybe even this month.
Gosh. That is very hard to really believe, when one has practiced their entire life mostly trying to getting stuff figured out NOW! Trying hard to come up with the solution before the solution is there is a bit defeating, and doesn't allow the good stuff.
OK. So now I will practice breathing...
January 17, 2009
And So It Starts...
Fabric washed, tested for colorfastness, and otherwise prepped. I am ready for the cutting.
I am making really good progress on the two knitting projects that are realy stash busters, but jeezopeez, I am talking acres of garter for the one and I am glad to be seeing the bottom of the yarn for the other. I am ready for a bit of a change up. And this will need to be quilted before the weather warms. Seriously. I know myself that well.
So let the games begin!
And now for something completely different...(anyone remember where that's from? I do!)
We have contest winners from three completely random drawings involving index cards, a pen, scissors, and small bowl. See! Completely randomized.
Katarina wins the Pampered Chef recipe books.
Jennifer wins the Steinbach Woole sock yarn
Lizzzknits wins Dena's roving.
Applause applause applause! I really thank everyone who entered and I wish I had gifts and prizes for you all. I hate simply HATE having to pick only a few to win.
January 16, 2009
New Digs
So yeah. My first office, and for those reasons. But still...an office...with a door ('come on in, and shut the door, please.' I have always wanted to say that!) and a window (with a view of the neighboring building and lovely chainlink fence...but sunshine!) and a bit of privacy.
I would like to think that things here can hold on, that something can be pulled out of the bag of tricks, but the bag is looking might flat. It's a hard place to be. You know, moving into an office, for whatever reason, is a bit exciting, and yet, there is this pall, because I know that once these offices were filled. And how long am I, or any of us going to be here?
So while I am not going to bring in artwork, curtains, or a lamp, I think a plant might be appropriate.
This will be a three-day weekend for Wonderful Guy and myself. He has the holiday. I am taking my floating holiday. Always something I take earlier rather than later. We don't have big plans, but our weather is suppose to be pleasant. We have missed the bitter cold the midwest has suffered with. So I suspect we will be doing something outside. I am feeling up to some exercise!
Tomorrow I will be drawing for my Bloggery Contest. There is still time to join in the fun if you haven't yet!
January 14, 2009
Old Habits Die Hard
Anyway. My name is not the same now as it was on my original passport, and I have to have a certified copy of the Dee-vorce decree saying why and how it is now different. So off I went today at lunch to do just that. It is almost 7 years to the day since the Dee-vorce was finalized.
Seven. That has had me thinking.
I find it intriguing how ingrained my habit patterns are.
But then, I have been practicing them for a very long time, some of them since I was two or three. And having learned these behaviors long ago, and not knowing any different way to be, I effectively cemented them and reinforced them during my adult years and my previous marriage.
Until the pain of staying the same was greater than the pain of changing.
That's where the Dee-vorce brought me. Pretty much to my knees. And sometime laid out plum flat. It was a hard place to be, that much is sure. Maybe the hardest place I have ever been.
It wasn't my idea to change. I was forced into it. But I remember thinking that, come hell or high water, by the grace of an everlovin' God, I was going to learn something from this so I would never ever ever never ever have to repeat this class again. Never. Ever.
I learned by bits and pieces, gleaning nuggets here and there, but never stopping. I mean, after all, alot that I read? The people in these stories were whacked! I couldn't possibly have that much in common with them, could I?! There may have been slight similarities here and there...but inch by inch, little by little, I discovered there truly were more things alike than different between the subjects and myself. And in hearing my story, people probably were thinking I was whacked, too. And guess what? I may have been.
I attended 'Rebuilding', the divorce recovery group, and I started attending a 12-step program for those with general living problems. I kept working at it, reading (easy!), sharing with others (face to face not so easy), and staying connected with people (pretty darn hard!).
I learned alot about what I do, and why I do the things I do, and I do alot of things differently now. And I am grateful, truly grateful, for the opportunity I had to change. I mean that. It was a hard lesson to learn, but I am so grateful for being given the chance.
And yet sometimes something will happen, and an old reaction will raise up and have the effect of slapping me across the face. Yep, there I am again...
It took me 40 some odd years to dig those tracks. It's reasonable that it might take more than 6 or 7 to jump out of those ruts completely.
PS Don't forget to sign up for my 'Bloggery Contest'. It ends Saturday.
January 13, 2009
January 12, 2009
January 11, 2009
Weekend Wrap-Up
I have been such a busy little bee. Lots done toward the inevitable...taxes, that is, not death. Also worked on some re-org/re-labeling of the paper-type files and such.
And the recipes have been gone through, sorted, and pared down...way down. Now I need to figure a manner, a useful and reasonable manner of organizing those collected that aren't in books, those given, traded, written, cut out of mags, ads, or newspapers and other singles that collect in 'the pile'. I need a way to have them searchable, readable, and keepable. Some I will scan, like Mom's hand-written Oatmeal Cookies, but I don't need to do that for all, and I don't need to re-type them either. Maybe a photo album, where I can just slip the recipe in the photo pocket...
We also found a laptop bag with much searching online, running around locally, and other ado. Whew. I am so over that task. See...it was hard! Look a bit and it will be found that most descriptions reads 'fits most 15.4" laptops'. Well. My new baby has a 16" screen, which is sweet, but too big for all those bags. It took searching!
So yeah, busy as the veritable bee. And I deserve a break, I feel. (See, all in touch with my emotions I am!) Maybe I will make Wonderful Guy take me to a movie. And buy me treats. And he will, because he loves me and is very grateful for all I do.
Or I might hurt him.
January 10, 2009
Bloggery Contest
- 3 Pampered Chef cookbooks...donated by Youngest Daughter who sells the product. Fun stuff. (Pampered Chef cooking stones not required.)
- I skein of Steinbach Woole Aktiv Effekt sock yarn, 100g, 460 yds, 75% wool/25% polyamid. Nice stuff.
- 3 oz of baby alpaca roving...from Dena, the baby alpaca. Soft stuff...very soft stuff.
January 9, 2009
It’s Been 4 Weeks…
Back at work, too. There were a few more folks laid off, but have been told that is the last. We are a small group now. Really really small, and it causes wonder. The ‘grand plan’ was laid out in a meeting on Monday, symbolism of the new year and new beginnings not escaping. Time will tell. I want to be hopeful. It is difficult. It will be interesting to see where it all goes, wherever that is.
The holidays are past, and all is put away. Mostly. A few cards are still trickling in. And it seems every year, no matter hard diligent and thorough, I overlook something. A few nights, as I was saying good-bye to those who came to knit at my house, I noticed the jingle bells on the door handle. Well, OK, then! Guess that’s this year’s forgotten decoration!
Beginning with the longer-than-expected convalescence, the holidays took on a decidedly different personality this year. With Wonderful Guy’s help, the assistance of Eldest Daughter after her arrival, and the help of Youngest, all came together very well. And it was a good time. Having the kids around really make my holidays for me.
And just when we thought we were winding things up that last Sunday before getting back to the routine…there I was, shopping for a new computer. And now for a bag to tote it around in. I think it’s a laptop…I haven’t had it off my desk yet…
I was really hoping my new technology exploration this year was going to be a new SLR camera. Oh well.
I have sitting here on my desk the yarn, the fiber, and the cookbooks picked out for my anniversary contest. That will happen over the weekend. I hope.
This new computer is taking over. I spoke of the organization of the music goal. Part of that was to get all CDs onto the computer. So I have been ripping those old CDs. And ripping. And ripping some more. I now have only a few odds and ends left.
A new computer just begs some organization of old files. I actually had a file in ‘Documents’ labeled ‘XYZ Computers’ with files from 3 previous computers I felt I still needed. Tonight I deleted a Word document telling me how to restore a Windows 3.1 OS, among other such debris. So yeah, there’s that going on, too.
Fresh starts! I love 'em.
January 8, 2009
A is for…
I have a new computer and it is a laptop. And I am back.
It is discouraging that my poor deceased companion and friend didn’t last any longer than it did. The peripherals are still usable, and that is good. I feel it ameliorates the cost a bit.
I have dual monitors, which is really sick…in the good sense of the word! I may never go back. My wireless mouse is still mousing. The printer is still doing it’s thing. And my sweet speakers…from my computer bought in 1995…go figure…will be used with my new baby, too, in all their beautiful beige glory.
I restored my backup very smoothly. I plugged in the external hard drive, and Vista’s recovery program found it and walked me through the process. I selected the back up by folders, and presto magicko sigh of relief-o! It took only minutes and there they all were…photos, resume, music, knitting downloads, contacts, address database, dee-vorce documents, and miscellaneous other goodies I would probably have never missed, but above listed I am glad I don’t have to grieve over.
P.S.A.: Back up regularly. It’s a good thing! I was proud...so proud... when the Geek Agent affirmed my wisdom. (See ‘Need for Approval’ posts….)
I have loaded my Photoshop Elements, Office, and Money software without glitches. The printer and camera both work. I have cleaned up the desktop, and tried to get rid of all the garbage programs (no thanks, netzero or juno!) I have internet, can send/receive mail, and rip CD’s. I have transferred the remainder of my Norton Internet Security subscription. I have created my recovery CD’s. I have reviewed my ‘Missing Manual’ for tweaks made to the previous system to ‘optimize performance’, and to remember how to change that little picture that goes next to my log on name….important stuff, that!
There are still customizations within the various programs still to be done, but I won’t know what else ‘til I stumble across it at this point.
A bit of time spent shopping. A lot of time spent in setting up a computer already ‘set up’. But I suppose some of that is me making sure things are just so.
And I am shopping for a bag still. I am thinking I might knit me up a sleeve to felt.
I could have been doing other things. Guess I was suppose to be doing this.
PS…I have made very good progress with the organization of my music. Starting out all right and new is a good thing. And working off one of those goals
January 4, 2009
It is a premature demise, happening only a blasted 18 months after purchase!!! Even the Geek Squad guy was surprised. Why, they usually last 2-3 years!
That made me feel better...
So I am shopping (which is fun) for a new computer (which is not). Since the motherboard is more expensive to replace than the computer is worth.
Why!?! Why me!?! I liked my little guy...it worked just great for me. Why did he want to leave me???
Sensing all was not quite right, having had some warning signs that something might be amiss, I backed up yesterday to our external hard drive....a week early.
Sometimes my instincts are good.
And sometimes I even follow them.
January 3, 2009
Up To The Park
January 1, 2009
Happy New Year...
I started this little effort of mine one year ago today, with the goal of just trying to write intelligibly, learn a little more about these here new-fangled innertubes/webs, develop my photography/photoshop skilz,mad to the next level, and just in general, put myself out there a little more.
Check, check, check, and check.
Gosh. And golly, too. Other things I have marked off my ubiquitous list....
I learned to spin in January, and knitted my first pair of socks this spring. I bought my first raw alpaca fleece and successfully processed most of it, spinning it up successfully, and knitting a pair of sox for me and Wonderful Guy. I have become adept at garter stitch graft, kitchener, and picking up and knit.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." (Hans Gruber, Die Hard...my favorite Christmas movie ever)
- Quilt for Grandbebe Two
- Quilted ornaments for Christmas
- Fence project for yard
- Knit and spin up stash
- Hone photoshop skilz
- Paper crafting efforts
- Maintain serenity in spite of life's best efforts! (Personal growthy effort)
So anyway, I have some FO's to show off.
Wonderful Guy's sox...on my new sock blockers!
Another Tomtom pocket, this one is for Youngest Daughter and Bebe Daddy. Pattern is Claudia's Clutch from LionBrand. It fits the Tomtom GPS perfectly, is a quick knit...very quick, and I have knit probably 8 of them. I use antique buttons to spiff them up a bit. This one is out of LionBrand Homespun and Lion Suede.
A gift scarf, out of Silk Prism/Raw Silk from LambSpun. The giftee reacts to wool, so this yarn will be perfect for her. And it is finished as off last night.
And my ongoing entrelac effort (my shawl pattern derivation). Which will continue until I run out of the Tesoro Sensations by JoAnn's that I go on clearance for about 1.25/skein. I had 12 skeins to begin with (in my stash). Why they quit making this I don't know. It is wonderful squooshy wool stuff.
Today I am casting on the Moderne Log Cabin Blanket, by Mason-Dixon Knitting (website, pattern is from their first book, downloadable on Ravelry though). I am using Paton's Classic Wool Merino (in my stash) and some Moda Dea Washable Wool (also in my stash).
I am starting the new year fully loaded! Better watch out.
Right after I put up the holiday decor....
Maybe I should have a celebratory contest for my blogiversary/new years goal achievement. I will think on this a bit, and rummage around to see what I can find to give away...
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