(No no no... Grandbebe Next hasn't made her appearance yet.)
We took advantage of the local animal shelters offer to waive the adoption fee for adults cats through the end of the month.
After the trip to Oklahoma, which always brings with it a trip to the shelter where my SIL works, I think I was softened up. I suggested to Wonderful Guy that 'we just go see'.
(Yeah, right.)
And there was the Kitty Boy. With no claws. After meeting him and spending some time with him...well, it seemed the thing to do. He needed to come home with someone, and there we were.
He's adjusting to Best Dog Ever and The Cat Who Is Still Queen (and a bit bent out of shape, I must say), but we are working on making sure everyone knows their worth and their place in the feeder people's hearts.
She is not amused...
He has found a place under a bed to hang out where he thinks he safe. I am scooping additional stuff from the litter box, so that is good. I don't know about eating. It's hard to say with other critters grazing, you know, but he's a big guy, and isn't going to starve to death right away.
He likes catnip, and he is playful, too. It's fun having a playful one around again.