(Which seems like ancient history)
On my own, I drove up early. I will say that on most June mornings, a drive up the mountain is a glorious thing. And so it was the Saturday of the Estes Park Wool Market.
I got there a shade before opening, which of course meant the vendor barn was OPEN! For business! Also not nearly as crowded that time of day as later. I win!
I think the EPWM is of a good size. One vendor barn, lots of variety, and not terrible overwhelming. Just right! I managed to support the economy without breaking the personal bank.
And I added to the stash, and paid no attention to my goal of not adding to the stash (unless it is a killer bargain or souvenir yarn) (unless I consider the Wool Market a vacation, and ALL of it souvenir yarn) (but that is Extreme Rationalizing…even for me):
Prepared roving: 50/50 camel/silk; 50/50 bamboo/merino (dyed) (I had a gift cert!); some blue-faced
Raw fleece: 2.6 lbs of Australian Bond, and 2.3 lbs of Romeldale
Yarn: 1 oz of 15% qiviut. Oh yes I did! And just for about a minute? I thought seriously of the 100% qiviut….at $90/oz.
(Yeah….no.) But as I write this…I am doing the math. 15% for $30….or 100% for $90. I think the 100% is a better deal! More qiviut for the buck!!! D-oh!
Accessories: Hand-turned Wraps Per Inch gauge
Wonderful Guy rode the Bandit up and met me for a lunch, picking me up at the fairgrounds. After lunch, I found the alpaca tent, and within the alpaca tent, the suri association booth. I had seen a message in the EPWM forum on Ravelry that they were looking for some spinners to demo mad spinning skilz, and well, it worked out that I could do that.
And I did. Now it is important to understand that this is scary stuff for me...people I don’t know, out in the public, doing stuff where others might be all judgey judgey. Three strikes and I could bow out very easily. (Oh…I couldn’t find the door to the tent… I was going to be 5 minutes late so I figured you wouldn’t want me to come… the wind was blowing…any excuse will do!)
But I went, and I spun for strangers, on a wheel that wasn’t Molly the Marvelous Matchless, and it was fun and awesome, and people were friendly and there were two neighborly alpacas that kept looking over their pen at me wondering what I was doing. AND! they gave me free suri roving to boot. Win again!
After two hours, someone else came to spin, and I was done. I gathered my swag, and headed down the mountain.
Blue skies, snow capped mountains, a bit of a breeze, yarny goodness, wool bearing critters, good spinning, and a bit of a ride on the Bandit.
Life is good indeed.