The first sheep's fleece I bought at the wool market was a huge 5+ lbs of corriedale/CVM. I question whether it was a covered fleece, but it wasn't the worst I have seen since.
DSis came for a visit which was finished with us taking a roadtrip to visit our elderly aunt. This was the perfect travel knitting - nothing but stockinette in the round except for some waist shaping. I figured to get through the body on the trip with the yarn I had, and maybe a sleeve. I would finish the other sleeve and the neckline when I got home with the last of the yarn. On the flight home, I reached the length of the body, which is tunic long, with most of the rest of that ball and one more left. Ribbing, and two sleeves, and the neck ribbing left.
No sweat really. I put the body on a stitch holder. I picked up the first sleeve, which is now finished.
I think I will get the 2nd mostly done with the yarn left. I will unravel from the bottom to finish sleeve #2 and the inch of ribbing around the neck.
I think I will get the 2nd mostly done with the yarn left. I will unravel from the bottom to finish sleeve #2 and the inch of ribbing around the neck.
So it won't be a booty covering sweater to wear with leggings. Maybe I am too old for that anyway. And there won't be anymore of this yarn in the stash!