I'm temp, so kind of a there, but not feeling. I mean, how much do I really settle in?
But it's good to be back.
I know the bathroom! I know the hallways! I know half the people who I work with! (Which for someone who struggles with names is such a blessing!) I know which doors to come in and out of!
There has been and is some remodeling of the labs going on, but still...some of them are like....Home!
No computer yet. A few days for that, but I bet it will be a new one, and not a thrown together leftover. No badging to get in either. All new techie fingerprint scanning opens the doors.
And when I got home...I found this!
Hand for scale. This is my most tee tiniest and earliest birdiest iris!
Two days after snow, and I have a bloom and two buds!
I am one happy camper!
PS Thanks, thanks, and thanks for all the well and good wishes from everyone!
Woohoo... glad it went well.
I knew you could do it. You are a little bit of a worry-wart!! (takes one to know one, right?) Love, WS
What a cutie! I must find the name...it is on the tip of my tongue!
Glad your first day went well!
Ooh, pretty little irises! I love dwarf irises.
Congratulations on being among the employed again. It must feel good.
You knew where the bathrooms are--that's the most important thing! LOL! I'm very glad you had a good day.
Yeay! I'm glad you landed on your feet and are upbeat about returning to the job.
And what a beautiful color of blue on that iris!
Glad to hear it went well! And what a beautiful thing to come home to.
Hope you're feeling more at home mid-week. Wow, a baby iris already! I checked on my today and after quite a bit of rain this past week, the iris that was planted closest to the surface of the ground is a rotted, mushy mess. :(
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